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In 1994, Joseph Gagliano calmly sat back, put his hands behind his head and smiled as the NCAA clock ticked down the remaining last seconds of the game. It was the third game in a row Joe had bet on where the point spread had to land on a specific number. With millions at stake, was he nervous?

Not at all.


As the buzzer sounded on the 3rd game, his duffle bags were filled with millions in cash. How? Joe had fixed the outcome of the games.


No Grey Areas portrays the journey of a man who masterminded one of the largest point-shaving scandals in history. However, this is only the beginning…It is always the cover-up, not the crime, where white-collar criminals get caught. Joe was caught, convicted, and served time in Federal prison for his role in coordinating and financing the 1994 ASU point-shaving scandal.


But the story doesn't end there...


Over time, Joseph Gagliano was given the chance to reflect deeply upon why certain choices were made. Although he justified the grey areas early in life, looking back now he realizes how wrong that was. There is only black or white. Right or wrong. What he regrets most is the wasted time not being a more patient and understanding person while remaining steadfast to the life values he learned, not being a better friend to some, and the time lost being a better father and husband due to misplaced focus and priorities.


Joseph Gagliano continues to share his fascinating journey to large audiences with the underlying message that our choices, big or small, pave our future destiny. His goal is to make a difference in the lives of each of our followers. The message of having a strong foundation in values and morals will pave the path towards our greater life purpose while facing the consequences that come from the “grey” areas in our lives.


...and that's the purpose behind the No Grey Areas Podcast.

To find out more about Joseph Gagliano's true story that inspired the Netflix show, “Bad Sport,"
or learn more about his best-selling book

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